We conduct drivers of liking research to help our clients better understand what is most important for consumer acceptance of their products. We apply comprehensive statistical analysis to integrate sensory and consumer data so that we can provide in-depth product and consumer understanding.
- Identify sensory drivers of liking
- Identify the sensory attributes that negatively impact consumer liking
- Identify consumer segments and their drivers of liking
- Predict consumer liking from sensory perception
- Determine how lab measurements correlate with sensory perception and consumer liking
- Identify product optimization opportunities by determining product optimization zone and the proximity of test products to the ideals
- Determine product landscapes and discover business opportunities
- Are the products similar or different in terms of sensory perception?
- How does our product age? Do different storage conditions impact product sensory perception and consumer liking?
- Does plant-to-plant and/or within-plant manufacture impact product sensory perception and consumer liking?
CONTACT US NOW to learn more about how we can help!